Here's Matthew and Laura on the trail of Jonathan. You'll note Laura is resting more than the other two. However, the boys did get some rest in as well even though Laura had to be in the middle of it all.

Confessions of a Would Be SuperMom who is flying without a cape.
And Jonathan found more.
On the day that we headed down to Sunset Beach, we came home by way of the Cape May Lighthouse park. This is part of what is left of some military bunkers and so on. Initially the Seth, Mackenzie, Jarryd, Mikayla, Jonathan and Matthew were not expecting the spray.
But for this picture they knew it was coming and the girls knew it wouldn't get them wet.
Matthew really loved this beach.
Matthew, Uncle Scott and Jonathan explored the old military bunkers.
And the boys tried to dig trenches but the ocean kept ruining all of their hard work.
We spent some time in Cape May strolling the shops. Laura, Jonathan and Uncle Scott found a fountain.
And after we were done, Laura and Kenz found a place to rest back at Scott and Brenda's rental.
I had to include this photo. It is of Scott and Brenda's mirror as we crossed the access bridge over the sound approaching Stone Harbor. In it you can see our van, complete with clam shell on the top, and you can also see Brenda taking the photo. Cracked us up!
Back in Stone Harbor, the boys found one of the few Horseshoe crabs we found this year. They are big suckers. And I mean big! Very slow moving. Very scarce.
And finally, the boys after conquering another day at the beach. The sun is setting and we must all head back. Oh how I wish I were on that beach again. Just for a few more days!!! At least we have next year.
At picnics, it is common for Dad to allow the boys to light the stuff piled in the fire pit and make roast marshmallows or make s'mores. Matthew and Seth are our family fire makers. Maybe they enjoy it just a little too much!
Laura spent the summer wearing her patch for three or more hours a day and it seem to be helping. We won't go for a check up until the first week of October, but her 20/2100 eye seems to be seeing things better as we give her quick checks every now and then. I pray the Lord takes care of this as he's done with so many of her other issues.
Mom and Dad took the kids to a Museum where there were some wonderful outdoor things to explore as well. Here Poppy is doing his best to give them all a great ride - much to the surprise of his muscles! He pulled something doing this and sported a large bruise for weeks. He's such a good Grandpa. :)
These are the slides they had. You'll note that it was never an option to do the smaller slide, even for Laura. After going down the Jonathan...
And watching Poppy do it all by himself...
She braved the slide herself! Needless to say, she loved it.
Here's Jonathan making a run for it on his own, too. Note Laura walking back towards the ladder for another round on her own, carrying her sack as she goes!
Matthew decided to try 'surfing' the slide and did it quite easily. Until he saw the sign that said you couldn't do that. So back to the bum he went.
The boys also spent several mornings before the rest of the street woke up learning the physics involved in flying little airplanes. Here Matthew is coaching Jonathan in order to get the best 'lift' that he can get.
And Laura vying for attention as she was feeling left out with all of the pictures I was taking of the boys. Poor thing. Do you think she has a future in modeling? LOL
She's so grown up, isn't she? Where did my baby go???
As the school year starts up once again I will miss the sunshine. But I look forward to more adventures as we explore new avenues in our history, preschool with Laura and the joys of high school. And secretly, I really am glad we're back on some sort of schedule once again!!! Shhhhhh!!! Don't tell the boys. I think I'll let them figure that out for themselves.
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