Tuesday, December 18, 2007

When The Holidays Turn In To The Holidaze

I am always amazed at how quickly children learn things that aren't necessarily those you long for them to achieve. For instance, Jonathan has a wonderful knack for remembering what you said five months ago regarding what might happen during the holiday season and is holding on to that promise for all he's worth. Or there's Matthew who remembers what happened five years ago at Christmas that he just loved and wants it to happen again this year 'for old times sake'. And then there's Laura...

She's apparently learned, in one quick decision I made last Saturday morning that didn't even effect her in any way, shape or form, that the holidays are a time when some standards are a tad bit more lax that usual. It seems that Matthew's ability to share in an ice cold can of caffeine for breakfast on Saturday met with consternation from the younger quarters. In order to keep the peace I happened to say with tremendous flippancy "I allowed it this morning in honor of the holidays". Yes, you saw that coming didn't you?

Laura not only saw it coming, she remembered it with the same tenacity that she remembers dolls, shoes and purses she saw once, too. Yesterday afternoon she was getting hungry and didn't want to wait for dinner to be served. Even when I told her we'd be having mashed potatoes and gravy. After the second time she asked for 'princess snacks' and I turned her down she got quiet for a moment. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her contemplating her next move. Suddenly her face lit up, she pasted a wonderful smile on her face, took her hand and pulled my face toward hers and said "But Mommy! It's the hol-days!" It took all I could muster to say no again without busting out in laughter, let alone keep the smile hidden from her eyes.

I think, after all was said and done, that she insisted it was the "hol-days" at least 10 or 12 times. I'm sure she thought she could break down my resolve as I love the Christmas season. But my desire to be a good parent is a much bigger resolve so it won out.

I wonder how many more times she'll try to get something in the next week or so just because "It's the hol-days!", don't you?

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